Daily Notices for Tuesday 11 February 2025
Rātū tekau ma tahi Hui-tanguru
Student Notices/Panui
PB4L School Value Focus:
- Certificates will be awarded in Assembly this week! Make sure you are showing your Kirkwood values both inside and outside of the classroom.
- Summer Tournament: LAST DAY FOR SIGN-UPS! Make sure if you wish to sign up for one of these sports: Orienteering, Cricket, Touch, Futsal, you do so before the end of today.
- Orienteering: we will have a hui tomorrow. If you know who you would like to be in a team with I will collect these teams tomorrow. Teams are of students of 3-4 and can be a girls, boys or mixed team. If you don’t have a team, don’t worry. We will get you sorted.
- YEAR 8 ONLY – Sports Council: Collect a form from the office to fill in if you wish to be a part of the Sports Council this year. We are looking for 4 students to take on this role. Once you have completed this form, please return it to the office. Applications will close this Friday.
- Triathlon: Information has gone home to your whanau. Please get your permission forms back ASAP.
- Water Polo: Well done to all those who trialled. It was a competitive pool of players to choose from. The list of selected players is posted on the main office door. If you have missed out, there may be another opportunity to join throughout the year. Individual players can also enter the water polo canterbury competition to play in a mixed team using this link https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/337153. For the selected players. Aaleiyah will bring around a notice after morning tea. Please bring it back as soon as possible. If you cannot join the team, please let me (Mrs Robertson) know as soon as possible, so that I can offer your spot to another player.
- Orchestra Signups: Signup sheet for those wanting to join the orchestra this year will be outside the library at interval and lunch. For those new students – we meet on Thursday at 11:00am in Room 6. The lovely Jennie will meet with you this week, on Thursday. If you’re worried about if you have enough experience – signup and come to the meeting and we can find some musical parts for you! 🙂 Any questions, come and see me. Cheers, Mr. Botting.
- Guitar Lessons: Guitar lessons starting today in the office behind Room 4 and 5 (Music Room 2)
- Drum Lessons: Drum lessons starting today in the old dental clinic (Main Music Room). If you would still like to sign up for drum lessons, then come find me at some point today. Cheers, Mr. Botting.
- The first class Library sessions begin today, with an orientation or re-orientation session. Year 8: you will remember how to enter the library calmly and politely so that you can make the most out of your sessions with Mrs Dobbs. Year 7: Nau mai and welcome. Your teacher will give you clear instructions on how to go to the library, but we are expecting very quiet lines moving to and from there today and Thursday. If you can line up your shoes carefully outside it makes it easier for others to use the library easily and is much appreciated.
- Year 8 Only – House Captains: If you would like to sign up for House Captain this year you will need to collect an application form from the office today. This is due Friday. The process is different this year and will be as follows – Fill in an application form by Friday, you will then be invited to an interview next week – please attend promptly. At the interview, there will be Miss Brenssell, Mrs Robertson and Mr Tappenden plus approximately 3 other Year 8 students. You will be asked a variety of questions here which you will answer to the best of your ability. You must fill in a form to receive an interview time so please get onto this ASAP. All staff are welcome to attend the interviews to listen in. All staff will get a chance to vote on the nominees.
- Become a Language Ambassador!
- Do you speak more than one language at home? Are you passionate about helping others? We’re looking for students to apply for Language Ambassador roles to help our school community! We are looking for someone who can:
- Fluently read, write, and speak in one or more languages
- Be patient, helpful, and enthusiastic
- Work well with both students and teachers
- If this does sound like you, come to the office to grab an application form in the Language Ambassador Application Box near the house containers for Tohu, fill it out and hand it back into the box! More info can be found on the form 🙂
- Application closes on Friday 21 February.
- PMP 12 noon – 12.30 Year 7 Ashtyn and Ruby S Room 9, Charlie and Tate Rm5, Mason Room 3 please meet Mrs B outside Rm7.
- PMP 12.30 – 1pm Year 8 Alex Room 12, Abby and Harry Room 2 please meet Mrs B outside Room 7. Thank you.
- Sports Shed – Room 8 today Axl & Toby.
- Mr P is kindly opening the pool today (weather permitting). Make sure you use your awesome Kirkwood manners.
Rātū tekau ma tahi Hui-tanguru
Student Notices/Panui
PB4L School Value Focus: