What’s on Offer?

Each year Kirkwood students enter a variety of sports events. These include:

  • Kirkwood Athletics
  • Intermediate Triathlon
  • Kirkwood Swimming sports
  • Intermediate Swimming sports
  • Intermediate Winter Sports Competition at Hagley and Nunweek Park
    • Rugby
    • Hockey
    • Football
    • Netball
  • Kirkwood Cross Country
  • Intermediate Cross Country
  • Friday night Basketball Competition (Term 2 and 3)
  • Primary/Intermediate
    • Artistic Gymnastics
    • Rhythmic Gymnastics
    • Aerobics competition
    • Dance  (Funk/Hip Hop)
  • South Island Outdoor Tournament and Indoor Tournament (alternates years)
  • Indoor Tournament
    • Badminton
    • Basketball
    • Table Tennis
    • Volleyball
  • Intermediate  Athletics
  • Summer Tournament
    • Tennis
    • Golf
    • Cricket
    • Touch
    • Softball


Water Polo 2024 competitions dates and information:

Refer to information sent via Hero App.


Wharenui/Gators Junior Basketball 2024 competitions dates and information.

Refer to information sent via Hero App.


Hagley Winter Sports

Nunweek Park – All Hockey

Table Tennis – Blenheim Rd

All other Sports at Hagley Park.

Click on the following link to view all maps of the sports grounds:
2024 Tuesday Sports all maps 2  and 2024 Tuesday Sports Map of Hagely 1

Winter Weekly Sport – Tuesdays:  Please click on the following link to view maps:
Winter Weekly – Tuesday Sport Maps 2024



Tuesday Winter Sport Results

Winter Sports Results – 28.05.24

Winter Sports Results – 11.06.24

Winter Sports Results – 25.06.24

Friday Basketball Results

Basketball Results – 24 May 2024