Enrolments for 2024

Kirkwood Intermediate School enrolment applications are required to be in by 31 August 2023.
Your child’s enrolment application will be subject to being in-zone or by winning a place through our out-of-zone applications.
The enrolment of out-of-zone students is governed by the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020.
The number of out-of-zone applications has exceeded the number of places available therefore a ballot for out-of-zone places is required, it will be held on 6 September 2022. You will be informed of the outcome of the ballot by Monday 11 September 2022.
Please visit our website for enrolment information, including an online enrolment application and details on the documents required to support the application.
If you have any questions, please contact the school.

Tuesday Winter Sport Tuesday 25 July

Winter Sport Tuesday 25 July

Football and Rugby are cancelled today. Hockey and Netball are still weather dependent, if they are cancelled we will let you know later on this morning.

Table Tennis will still go ahead.

Dental Care over the Holidays

Canterbury District Health Board Notice to Families

Community Dental Clinics are closing from 3 July until 14 July 2023 (Matariki).

We have limited appointment available over the Holiday period.

Please call 0800 846 983 or email: commdental@cbhd.health.nz to book an appointment.

If you cannot attend your booked appointment, please let us know so we can book another child.



Wednesday 31 May update

Wednesday 31 May NZEI (primary teachers union) meeting 1pm

We ask that parents make alternate arrangements for their children from 1:00pm this Wednesday 31 May as the NZEI ( the primary teachers union) and the Ministry of Education have been negotiating an updated offer for our classroom teachers and they have declared a Paid Union Meeting on Wednesday.

The bus company has arranged to provide an earlier service home on this day (1:15pm pick up). If this does not work for your child then please make alternative arrangements.

The PTA – Friends of the School meeting will still be held in the staffroom at 6:00pm on Wednesday.

I understand that this may be challenging, but I am hopeful that this may result in an end to further industrial action.

As always, thank you for your understanding and support.

Open Day Sessions for 2023

Open Day sessions for 2023

This year we are hosting groups by appointment for various dates in June.

There Open Day appointments run for three quarter of an hour and are a group session.  Your child is welcome to attend with you.

You may book your appointment via our School Interview booking system.  Please go to School Interviews Booking

Please use Booking Code 3fadv and follow the steps as instructed.

Please enter your name as the person booking but do not enter it again.  You will need to enter the names of all others attending the tour as guests.

If you do not have internet access, please call the school office (348 7718) and we will be able to make a booking for you.

We look forward to seeing you.

Teacher-Parent-Child Interviews

TEACHER-PARENT-CHILD INTERVIEWs are scheduled for the following days:

Thursday 27 April  3:15pm – 7:00pm

Monday  1 May  3:15pm – 7:00pm

 Please refer to the information which will be emailed home on Thursday 30 March.

Dental Care over the holidays

Message from Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand) – Community Dental Service

Community Dental Clinics are closing from 7 April 2023 to 24 April 2023 for the upcoming school holidays.

We have limited appointments available over this Holiday period 11 April 2023 to 21 April 2023.

Please call 0800 846 983 or email: commdental@cbhb.health.nz to book an appointment.  If you cannot attend your booked appointment, let us know so we can book another child.




Orientation and classroom placements

Orientation Packs and classroom placement information has been emailed to our families this week.

This email has all the information required to start the school year.

If you did not receive the email can you please contact the school via email: school.information@kirkwood.school.nz

Please note: Our students will find out who their classroom teacher at the beginning of the school year when they meet at the Teacher-Parent-Child Interviews.

Have a safe and happy holiday.