Non English Speaking Background (NESB) Students

Students who have English as their second language will have extra assistance in English:

  • either by being withdrawn in small groups with our ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teacher; or
  • supported in their own classroom by their classroom teacher, the ESOL teacher and a teacher aide.

Once the NESB student has been formally assessed it is then determined if the student needs extensive support and placed in the pull-out ESOL programme, or if they just need extra scaffolding in the daily instruction of class.

If a child is placed in the pull out programme they will be in a similar ability group no bigger than 8 children. Here the ESOL teacher has a systematic, comprehensive reading programme that follows along with the NZ curriculum and parallels with the content that is being taught in their classroom.

Each NESB student is assessed formally twice a year against the The Ministry of Education’ s English Language Learner’s Progressions (ELLP) matrix.