Kahikatea Kirkwood Intermediate School welcomes you to join our list of Alumni.
The purpose of creating an Alumni list is to help support our students and school community. You may also like to re connect to those who have attended our school in the past and to help our community feel a sense of belonging. To become part of our Alumni list you will need to complete the link below.
To help you keep in touch with our school you are welcome to sign into our School App to receive our fortnightly newsletter. Please see instructions below.
From time to time the school can struggle to access opportunities for students which they deserve. If you are in a position to support our school, and you would like to make a donation towards, camps, to allow students to become involved in extension work, to attend sports trips, purchase uniform, shoes or sports equipment, please contact the school office on school.information@Kirkwood.school.nz and they will provide you with our school bank account number.
We welcome your support we look forward to keeping in touch.
School App
This is free for users.
You may download SchoolAppNZ directly from your Google Play store or Apple App store. Once you have downloaded the App you then select search and select Kirkwood Intermediate School.
There is a facility to download a link onto your computer, via the following link.
To access the web portal please click on the following link:
Alumni Group
If you would like to become part of our Alumni Group please complete the from below or contact the school for further details: