Kirkwood Intermediate is situated close to the heart of Christchurch. We are particularly well resourced with 12 classrooms, 8 specialist technology rooms and ESOL classes for those requiring extra help with English.

Our staff have chosen to work with this particular age group. There is a strong focus on Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Information Technology is also a large part of our students learning.

Kirkwood Intermediate School Site Plan
Kirkwood Intermediate School Site Plan

Our Organisation

Commitment Statement

At Kirkwood we promise that you will:

  • be treated as the unique person you are
  • be treated with dignity and respect
  • have your educational, social and physical needs met
  • have equal access to all school opportunities
  • be physically and emotionally safe while at school
  • have a clear understanding of our expectations of you
  • have help and assistance to achieve your best
  • be able to contribute to our school’s life
  • be able to speak and be listened to
  • enjoy yourself!

Charter & Strategic Plan, Annual Report

Download the 2024 Strategic Plan 


Download our Kirkwood Intermediate School Annual report for 2023




Download our 2025_Kirkwood_Intermediate_Prospectus

