Daily Notices for Tuesday 17 December 2024

Rātū tekau Hakihea

Student Notices/Panui

Blues: Blues has now closed for the year. If you have any questions, please email:  Blues@kirkwood.school.nz.
Sports Shed MonitorsSports Shed will be run from outside Room 7 at interval & at lunch eating area at lunch. 
PMP:12-12:30pm for Alex 7LB, Titen 7AC, Abby and Harry 7ST, plus the Yr8 Dominic, Eli, Emily and Unique..Thank you Mrs B.
Sports Shed: Thank you to those people who are using the sports shed and returning equipment. We are missing 2 vortex balls that are less than two weeks old. It is a shame that these items go missing. 
Assembly: Year 7 Assembly on today. Usual spot. Begins at 11:30am, please have your room packed up beforehand. Don’t forget to have a class hui about Tohu! 
Tottenham Hot Spurs fans: Any Year 7 Spurs fans come and see me Ms Rowe 

Daily Notices for Monday 16 December 2024

Rāhina tekau ma ono Hakihea

Pupil Notices/Panui       

School Value Focus: Whanaungatanga (Positive Relationships)  

As the year draws to an end, continue being awesome rangatahi. Greet all staff and students around our kura and show respect inside and outside of the classroom. 

Blues: This has now closed for the year. If you are a Year 7 student you can apply next year. 

Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8TT Chinaku, Hanin

The Sports Shed will now operate from Room 1. Sports Shed Monitors will open the Sports Shed for 5 minutes at either end of break times ONLY. They will lend and collect equipment then and then. The name of the person recorded is the person responsible for the equipment. Be responsible and appreciative of our PTA’s funding for lunchtime sports gear.

Massive thank you to our Sport Shed monitors for 2024.

Mr Burke

Pool: It has been great seeing so many people loving the pool. Remember that the only way to enter our pool safely is to “pop” in or climb in using the ladder. If your teacher is willing to help you, you could also try the trust fall using linked arms. A few years ago we had a child injured when they hit their head on the side of the pool when they jumped in. The pool only works if we can keep our students safe and we need everyone’s help to make sure that it is entered safely. We will be checking in with teachers to see which classes are managing their safe pool entries best over the next few days!
Staff vs Students Touch Game today! A note will come around if this is cancelled due to weather. All staff and all students are welcome! Come and get stuck in! 
Jakaia, Carter, Maddox and Alfie – bring your cards down to the office this morning. Thanks.
No Drum lessons today. 
Girls’ Cricket: Today at 1:00 pm. Meet on the cricket pitch at 1:00pm with your lunch.