Daily Notices for Friday 5 July 2024

Rāmere rima Hōngongoi

Pupil notices/Pānui

Lost Property: Please check today for any of your lost items.
Rugby: Training on Monday1:15pm bring all gear.  Let Mr Burke know if you are unavailable asap. 
Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8GS Jack, Devon, Lathan
Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 
Water Polo – Final game for this season tonight at 8:15pm against Rangi Ruru at the spa end. We are in the white caps. It has been a pleasure to see how far you have come so far this year. See you tonight!
Thank you for your positive attitudes and hard work this term. Next term will see changes to the admin and office area so please keep your eyes and ears open. The third term is a great term to focus on your learning and your self management. We all hope you have a great holiday and look forward to seeing you back next term. Mr Tappenden
CGHS Orchestra Trip: All those attending the orchestra trip to CGHS next term, please come to a quick meeting in Room 12 to collect music for you to practise over the holidays. Please get your parents to complete the online permission form. Cheers, Mr. Botting. 

Daily Notices for Thursday 4 July 2024

Rāpare whā Hōngongoi

Student notices/Panui

Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8MB Annabel, Zoe, Mia
Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 

Kiwi Kids Competitions: These will be held in the Library over the next 3 Thursday mornings. If you have signed up for more than one, you can choose the order of tests you do. We will get started after the notices. Bring a pencil and scrap paper for any working. Good luck!

The students I will need for mostly for Science today are 

David T, Ella W, Mitchell, Lam, Christina, Suhad, Shreya, Hanin, Lev, Trilok, Anirudh, Chinaku, Zara, Freyia, Jivin, Inian, James M, Caitlyn, Aarangan, Shanaya, Matthew D, Alanna, Alyssa, Jade.

English: Shihiran, Indian, Mokshit, Zara, 

Maths: Caitlyn, Mischa, Khojasvi and Nicola S.

I will have a catch up next term for people who have missed tests.

PMP: 12-12:30pm for Jackson 7LB, Titen 7AC, Sophie 7MB and Taichi 8MB. Thank you Mrs M
PMP: 12:30-1pm for Emily, Dom and Eli 8HE, Meika and Unique 8SC. Thank you Mrs M
Sax & Clarinet Lessons: Lessons today in the Old Counsellor’s Office behind Rooms 4 & 5. Cheers, Mr. Botting
Orchestra: Today in the hall at 11:00am. If you are coming to the CGHS Trip next term then you must attend please. Cheers, Mr. Botting
Netball: Training on tomorrow – you must have your gear!
7K6 – Monday food Tech with Ms Russell: If any students want their work they did with Ms Tabah on Monday back please collect it from T4 at the end of morning tea today. Thanks
Basketball: Training cancelled today. Have a break 🙂 Remember – No games this week. Cheers, Mr. Botting
Choir: Today either in the Library or the hall this afternoon – a note will come round. Cheers, Mr. Botting. 
Flute Lessons: Wenwen – your lesson is now at 9:40am. Cheers, Mr. Botting.
This weeks Oscar and Lucinda challenge is a real puzzle. Meet Donna and Leo outside the hall after eating your lunch and see how many Disney Dingbats you can solve. 

Daily Notices for Wednesday 3 July 2024

Rāapa toru Hōngongoi

Student notices/Panui

Lost property:  Please check the lost property bin for any of your lost items.  The bin is located in the office foyer.  We have polar fleeces, drink bottles, swimming goggles, shoes etc.  

Piano Lessons: Timetable as follows: 

9.00-9.30am Myra

9.30-10.00am Lev

10.00-10.30am Alanna (can run 5 minutes late to allow for getting from violin)

10.40-11.00am Titen

11.00-11.30am Kirin

Cheers, Mr. Botting. 

Violin & Cello Lessons: Lessons on today in Room 7. Cheers, Mr. Botting. 
Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 
Can I see the Kids’ Lit teams for a short catch up at 2pm please. Jessie, Shreya, Lev, Caitlin, Tia, Mackenzie, Tilly and Freyia. Thanks.
Game free day today in the library. Readers make the most of the quieter environment .
Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8HE Jade, Lana
PMP: 12-12:30pm for Jackson 7LB, Titen 7AC, Sophie 7MB and Taichi 8MB. Thank you Mrs M
PMP: 12:30-1pm for Emily, Dom and Eli 8HE, Meika and Unique 8SC. Thank you Mrs M
EPro8 students – we are back in T9 for this afternoon session. Please bring your permission slips. Mr Powick
Te Kaupeka on today, meet Whaea and Matua in the hall after lunch. Can you please return your uniforms to Miss Timblick in Room 9. If I am not there, please grab a piece of paper and write your name on it so I know who has returned theirs 🙂
Basketball: No games this week. Games will resume in Term 3. No training this week – have a break. Cheers, Mr. Botting.                                                                                      
Handling Skills Challenge: On the windows of Room 6 are 12 Rugby ball handling skills. Test yourself at break times on the field (not under the breezeway!). Watch out for a competition in Term 3! Open to all.        
Mrs Climo  ESOL groups cancelled today

Daily Notices for Tuesday 2 July 2024

Rātū rua Hōngongoi

Student Notices/Panui

Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 
Orchestra: Meeting at morning tea today in Room 12. Cheers, Mr. Botting.

Water Polo: We have a game on Friday, but the times are not up yet. I will let you know when I know.

We have some of the team keen to sign up for another season next term. Travis and Xander will come around today, to ask if you are keen to continue. Travis and Xander –  can you come and grab a team list from me?

SPEC is cancelled today.
Table Tennis teams, to meet in Room 8HE at 12:45pm. 
Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8SC Harsha, Andrew.
PMP: 12-12:30pm for Jackson 7LB, Titen 7AC, Sophie 7MB and Taichi 8MB, Plus Emily, Dom, Eli 8HE and Meika and Unique 8SC. This session will be for both groups as Winter Sports has started and lunch is at 12.30pm. Thank you Mrs M.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the open school sessions. I really appreciate your willingness to support our school and the friendliness of all staff and students towards our guests. Mr Tappenden
Tuesday Sport: Is cancelled except Table Tennis.
Netball: We will be staying at school today. Please meet in Room 10 after the bell at 1:30 pm. 

Daily Notices for Monday 1 July 2024

Rāhina tahi Hōngongoi

Pupil Notices/Panui       

Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 
Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8TT Chinaku, Hanin, Alysha
What am I reading? Mrs Dobbs has asked me to share a book that I am currently reading. I have chosen one that I share with my grandson when he visits. It is called “Mister Whistler” and it is written by Margaret Mahy and illustrated by Gavin Bishop. I love the way the pictures are so colourful and seem to dance on the page. They match the words so well. My grandson loves it when we get to the page where our hero is dancing in his underpants! It really makes us laugh. I strongly recommend Margaret Mahy as an author and the illustrations by Gavin Bishop are always worth looking at. If you have a minute, see if you can find it in our library – Mrs Dobbs tells me we have a copy – good luck! Mr Tappenden
Big congratulations to the Kapa Haka for your performance at Riccarton Market yesterday – you did so so well. Very proud of you. Mr Tappenden
Nga mihi ki te kapa haka. He rawe to mahi inanahi! He tino whakahīhī mātou. Congratulations Kapa Haka. Your performance yesterday was awesome. We are very proud. Miss Timblick
Chess Club: Today in the library at morning tea and lunchtime. Be respectful in the library and listen to the librarians. Cheers, Mr. Botting.
Hockey: Training today at 1:15pm on the court by the hall. Remember your gear for tomorrow’s game please. Cheers, Mr. Botting. 
PMP: 12-12:30pm for Jackson 7LB, Titen 7AC, Sophie 7MB and Taichi 8MB. Thank you Mrs M
PMP: 12:30-1pm for Emily, Dom and Eli 8HE, Meika and Unique 8SC. Thank you Mrs M
Brick Club at 2pm for Dominic, Eli and Emily in the new ESOL room. Thank you Mrs C
Rugby: Training today 1:15pm.  Let Mr Burke know if you are unavailable immediately. 

Daily Notices for Thursday 27 June 2024

Rāpare rua tekau ma whitu Pipiri

Student notices/Panui

Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8MB Annabel, Zoe, Mia
Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 

Kiwi Kids Competitions: These will be held in the Library over the next 3 Thursday mornings. If you have signed up for more than one, you can choose the order of tests you do. We will get started after the notices. Bring a pencil and scrap paper for any working. Good luck!

The students I will need for today are Inian, Khojasvi, Shanaya, Christina, Arangan, Mina, Keran, Jade, Caitlyn, James M, Mitchell, Adam B, Mischa, Alyssa, Alanna, Ella W, David T, Isaac Y, Indiana, Lam, Trilok, Garv, Hanin, Shihiran, Shreya, Sidhu, Nicola S, Jivin, Zara, Leon, Chinaku, Anirudh, Freyia, and Ian. You are all signed up for Maths. 

PMP: 12 – 12.30pm Jackson 7LB, Titan 7AC,Sophie 7MB and Taichi 8MB.
Sax & Clarinet Lessons: Lessons today in the Old Counsellor’s Office behind Rooms 4 & 5. Cheers, Mr. Botting
Orchestra: Today in the hall at 11:00am. Cheers, Mr. Botting
Netball: Training on tomorrow – you must have your gear!
PMP: 12.30 – 1pm Dominic, Eli and Emily 8HE, Meika and Unique 8SC.
Basketball: Training cancelled today. Have a break 🙂 Remember – No games this week or next. Cheers, Mr. Botting
Choir: Today either in the Library or the hall this afternoon – a note will come round. Cheers, Mr. Botting. 
A red violin book has gone missing, please bring it to the office if you find it.  
CAIMS Cross Country: A huge well done to all 20 of you for your efforts yesterday! You represented Kirkwood proudly in some tough (very muddy and wet) conditions!! 
Oscar and Lucinda: Today’s challenge is a planking competition! Find Donna and Leo outside the hall after eating your lunch to join in.
What a wonderful evening last night was. A big thank you to all involved and all who visited. Kapa Haka – you were amazing! I hope your performance goes as well on Sunday at the Riccarton Market. You should be proud. The classrooms looked fantastic – so good to see so many parents and whanau. The Tech display was so good and thanks to all who helped with the drinks and biscuits. This was most likely one of the best open evenings we have held in a long time. Special thanks to Miss Timblick for her organisation. Mr Tappenden
Kapa Haka: Please keep your uniform at home for the weekend. You will need to wear this to the Riccarton Markets on Sunday. You can then return the uniforms on Monday next wiki. 

Daily Notices for Wednesday 26 June 2024

Rāapa rua tekau ma ono Pipiri

Student notices/Panui

House Captains: Please come to the office now please.
PB4L School Value Focus: Rangatiratanga: Good luck to the students participating in the CAIMS Cross Country today. Show your great sportsmanship and promote our school!  
Whānau Hui TONIGHT! We can’t wait to see you there! Your classrooms look awesome. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Be proud tonight and show off your learning.

Piano Lessons: Timetable as follows:

9.00-9.30am Myra

9.30-10.00am Lev

10.00-10.30am Alanna (can run 5 minutes late to allow for getting from violin)

10.40-11.00am Titen

11.00-11.30am Kirin

Cheers, Mr. Botting. 

Violin & Cello Lessons: Lessons on today in Room 7. Cheers, Mr. Botting. 
Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 
CAIMS Cross Country: You should now be in the hall! We leave at 9am. We will be returning around 2 pm. 
Guest from PB4L: Rachel is from PB4L and would like to see how our school has been working hard on developing our PB4L School Value Focus system and she might want to talk to some of our students and teachers. Please welcome her politely.
Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8HE Jade, Lana

Special Assembly: This afternoon at 2:30 pm. 

Tidy up before Assembly this afternoon. Your class should be spotless for Whānau Hui tonight. 

Could the duty class please set up the chairs like we would have them for assembly. 

PMP cancelled today: Thank you Mrs B
EPro8 students can you please come to T5 for this afternoon session after you have had your lunch. Thanks Mr Powick
Te Kaupeka on today, meet Whaea and Matua in the hall after lunch. You will need to be in your uniform and ready for the special assembly performance. See Miss Timblick before lunch if you need anything. 
Basketball: No games this week or next week. Games will resume in Term 3. No training this week or next – have a break. Cheers, Mr. Botting.                                                                                      
Handling Skills Challenge: On the windows of Room 6 are 12 Rugby ball handling skills. Test yourself at break times on the field (not under the breezeway!). Watch out for a competition in term 3! Open to all.        

Daily Notices for Tuesday 25 June 2024

Rātū rua tekau ma rima Pipiri

Student Notices/Panui

Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 
Whānau Hui is on tomorrow! The classrooms are looking great. The lovely Ms Russell is baking some Matariki themed cookies to go with the hot drinks and juice 

Football: Your games have been cancelled today. You are to meet Miss Rowe and Donna in the hall after the lunch bell. 

Table Tennis, Rugby , Netball and Hockey are on. You need to meet your coach as normal. 

SPEC is cancelled today.
Table Tennis teams, to meet in Room 8HE at 12:45pm. 

At School:

12:30pm – 12:45pm: Eat Lunch

12:45pm- 1:30pm: Play

1:30pm: Go to your Tuesday afternoon class – same as last week.  If you are not sure you need to go to the office.

2:55pm: Collect phones from the hall. You must enter and exit from the side doors. 

Leaving for Sport: 

Get changed in the morning.

12:30pm-12:45pm Eat Lunch. 

After you have eaten, go to the hall for the roll. You do not need your bag. 

2:55pm: If you arrive back before the bell, you must meet in the hall. Phones are to be collected from the hall. You must enter and exit from the side doors. 

Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8SC Harsha, Andrew.
PMP: 12-12:30pm for Jackson 7LB, Titen 7AC, Sophie 7MB and Taichi 8MB, Plus Emily, Dom, Eli 8HE and Meika and Unique 8SC. This session will be for both groups as Winter Sports has started and lunch is at 12.30pm. Thank you Mrs B
CAIMS Cross Country: On tomorrow. We will meet in the hall at 8:40am tomorrow. You must have your P.E gear, running shoes, school polar fleece, a warm jacket, packed lunch and a water bottle. Dry socks and dry shoes to put on afterwards would also be a great idea. We will be back around 2pm tomorrow.  Any questions, please see me today. Thanks, Miss Brenssell. 

Daily Notices for Monday 24 June 2024

Rāhina rua tekau ma whā Pipiri

Pupil Notices/Panui                  

Blues: Blues@kirkwood.school.nz. Application forms are found here: https://kirkwood.school.nz/our-students/achievements/ 
Sports Shed Monitors Today: 8TT Chinaku, Hanin, Alysha
Whānau Hui is on this week! We can’t wait to see you and your whānau between 7pm-8pm this Wednesday. We have managed to get two telescopes for the evening so you will be able to look at some of the stars! 
Could the following students meet Mrs B outside the hall at 2pm please: Dom, Eli and Emily 8HE, Meika and Unique 8SC, Taichi 8MB, Jackson 7LB, Titan 7AC and Sophie 7MB. Thank you.
School Focus Value: Rangatiratanga: Once again, as Mr Tappenden said above, we have an opportunity to be a proud leader of our school. Let’s champion and promote our school wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Remember to wear the school uniform proudly.  
Could I please have Myra come and see me after the notices? Thanks, Miss Brenssell. 
Wenwen & Thomas: Can you please set up the projector etc. again for Mr. Tappenden after the notices. Cheers, Mr. Botting.
Chess Club: Today in the library at morning tea and lunchtime. Be respectful in the library and listen to the librarians. Cheers, Mr. Botting.
Hockey: Training today at 1:15pm on the court by the hall. Remember your gear for tomorrow’s game please. Cheers, Mr. Botting. 
PMP: 12-12:30pm for Jackson 7LB, Titen 7AC, Sophie 7MB and Taichi 8MB. Thank you Mrs B
PMP: 12:30-1pm for Emily, Dom and Eli 8HE, Meika and Unique 8SC. Thank you Mrs B
Brick Club at 2pm for Dominic, Eli and Emily in the new ESOL room. Thank you Mrs B
Rugby: Training today 1:15pm.  Let Mr Burke know if you are unavailable immediately.