Dental Care over the School Holidays

Dental Care during the School Holidays

The Community Dental Service will be providing dental care for children enrolled with our service during the upcoming school holidays.  The clinics will offer treatment and relief of pain sessions by appointment only.   To make an appointment please contact our Call Centre which operates between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday throughout the year.

The following Dental Clinics will be open during these school holidays:

  • Woolston Clinic, 11 Hopkins Street, Woolston
  • Hillmorton Clinic, Hillmorton Hospital, Sylvan Street,
  • Ashburton Clinic, 38 Elizabeth Street, Ashburton
  • Hornby Clinic, 2 Hei Hei Road, Hornby

The clinics will offer appointments between 8.45am and 3.00pm for school-age and preschool children requiring treatment.

If your child has dental pain as a result of an accident please contact your dentist in the first instance.

To book an appointment at one of our clinics please:         call 0800 846 983

   Or email

Canteen Notice

From Term 2 and onwards, children who wish to have noodles for lunch need to buy them from the canteen.  Alternatively they need to bring their own hot water in a flask.

Thank you for your support.


Fifteen measles cases now confirmed in Canterbury

Up to 7 March, there have been fifteen confirmed cases of measles in Canterbury. It is likely there will be more cases in the next days and weeks.

It is likely measles is spreading in our community.

If you were born or raised in New Zealand after 1 Jan 1969 and you had two MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations, you are protected from measles.

People in their late teens and early 20s are most at risk. Anyone in this age group who does not know if they have had both MMRs vaccinations should contact their General Practice team (GP or family doctor or nurse) to arrange for an MMR vaccination – the vaccination and the appointment to have it is free.

Babies whose mother is immune will have some protection if they are currently being breastfed.

For children who are too young to have had both MMRs or who cannot be immunised for other reasons, the best way to protect them is to ensure everyone around them has been vaccinated – if you can’t get it, you can’t pass it on.

People with children under older than 12 months and under 4 years can ask their general practice team if their child can have their MMR early – they can have the first MMR as early as 12 months and the second one month later. Due to the temporary delays in vaccine supply in the region we are asking parents to be patient until more stock arrives – more is on its way.

Anyone who isn’t sure if they have had both MMR vaccinations can contact their general practice team for advice.

If you think you may have been exposed to measles or have symptoms, please call your general practice first, at any time, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Calls made to general practices after hours will be answered by a nurse who will advise you what to do and where to go if you need to be seen.

If you are sick, stay at home and avoid contact with anyone who isn’t immune.

Additional measles information

Measles is serious and highly infectious. Thirty percent of those who catch it will develop complications – usually children under 5 and adults over the age of 20. Measles during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature labour and low birth-weight in babies. Measles is spread through breath and through contact, so that anyone unprotected who has been in the same room as someone with measles will likely get it.

Measles symptoms include:

o             A respiratory type of illness with dry cough, runny nose, headache

o             Temperature over 38.5 C and feeling very unwell

o             A red blotchy rash starts on day 4-5 of the illness usually on the face and moves to the chest and arms.

More information about measles is available at


For more information of Measles please follow the link below:

Measles Information 11.3.19

Tuesday Weekly Winter Sports

Winter Weekly CAIMS grass sports is cancelled Tuesday 19 June.  Table Tennis – the stadium has always been unavailable.  Squash will be played.

Netball and turf hockey are still being played.

Uniforms & Orientation Packs

Uniforms – We are aware The Warehouse is running out of our popular sizes. Please do not worry about not wearing the correct uniform when you start school if you are unable to purchase the correct size. You are welcome to make do with other options until supplies have been replenished.

Orientation Packs – Please contact the office by phone or email if you have not received your Orientation Pack. Details on how to book your ‘meet the teacher’ interviews on Thursday 28 January or Friday 29 January are detailed in the pack. We look forward to meeting you all soon.

Ph: 03 3487718