Daily Notices for Tuesday 17 December 2024

Rātū tekau Hakihea

Student Notices/Panui

Blues: Blues has now closed for the year. If you have any questions, please email:  Blues@kirkwood.school.nz.
Sports Shed MonitorsSports Shed will be run from outside Room 7 at interval & at lunch eating area at lunch. 
PMP:12-12:30pm for Alex 7LB, Titen 7AC, Abby and Harry 7ST, plus the Yr8 Dominic, Eli, Emily and Unique..Thank you Mrs B.
Sports Shed: Thank you to those people who are using the sports shed and returning equipment. We are missing 2 vortex balls that are less than two weeks old. It is a shame that these items go missing. 
Assembly: Year 7 Assembly on today. Usual spot. Begins at 11:30am, please have your room packed up beforehand. Don’t forget to have a class hui about Tohu! 
Tottenham Hot Spurs fans: Any Year 7 Spurs fans come and see me Ms Rowe 

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