Daily Notices for Wednesday 5 February 2025

Rāapa rima Hui-tanguru

Student notices/Panui 

PB4L School Value Focus: 

  • Kahikatea Kirkwood has 5 school values: Whanaungatanga, Rangatiratanga, Tohungatanga, Manaakitanga and Kaitiakitanga. This term, instead of focusing on just one value, we would like to celebrate the variety of these values displayed throughout our school days.

  • Triathlon: Meeting today at morning tea in Room 10. Come along if you have any questions or if you would like to sign up. 
  • Water Polo – We are after four more players to make up a water polo team. A team needs to be entered today. Alexandria will be around to collect the last few names. Waterpolo is on a FRIDAY night! There was a mistake about the days earlier this week, it is a FRIDAY night between 6:45-9:30 pm. 

  • Kapa Haka this afternoon is for all Year 8 ākonga. Meet on the new court by the playground at 2pm. There will be time to pack up afterwards
  • If you have expressed interest in the form for free music lessons at school for Violin, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone and Cello – these are now with the tutors and they will meet with you and sort schedules for next week. 
  • Private music lesson tutors should have already been in contact with your parents. Please come and see me if you have any questions.  Cheers, Mr. Botting

  • Festival of Women and Girls in Science:
    • On Saturday the 15 February at Tūranga Central Library there will be a Festival of Women and Girls in Science! This is a fantastic, fun interactive event – it will run from 10am until 3pm and you can come along for as long as you like, within that timeframe. It is FREE. Last year it was a very busy, successful event!
    • The festival is about celebrating some of Christchurch’s female scientists, but anyone can come along and join in – boys are definitely welcome too. The festival is just about showing us that anyone can do science – no matter who you are.
    • Some of the hands-on displays include: A planetarium dome, a virtual volcano and a make-your-own seed bomb activity. There will be friendly scientists who will love to chat with you.
    • Here is a website with more information www.festivalofwomenandgirlsinscience.co.nz

  • Become a Language Ambassador!  
  • Do you speak more than one language at home? Are you passionate about helping others? We’re looking for students to apply for Language Ambassador roles to help our school community! We are looking for someone who can:
    • Fluently read, write, and speak in one or more languages
    • Be patient, helpful, and enthusiastic
    • Work well with both students and teachers

If this does sound like you, come to the office to grab an application form in the Language Ambassador Application Box near the house containers for Tohu, fill it out and hand it back into the box! More info can be found on the form 🙂 

Application closes on Friday 21 February.

  • Book Club closes on 4 March. Order online through loop system or money and orders to the office.
  • The grass in the lunch eating area is suffering from people cutting through it (sometimes leaping over the wire fence) on their way to the pool, the courts or the field. If you are going somewhere else, stick with the paths and save the grass, so it is nice to sit on at lunch. Room 2 – Are you able to send some muscle out to move the picnic table off the path and onto the pavers? Thanks, Mrs Robertson
  • It has been wonderful to have so many students saying hello to staff and each other around the school and in the playground. Keep up all the manaakitanga!

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