Daily Notices for Tuesday 4 February 2025

Rātū whā Hui-tanguru

Student Notices/Panui

PB4L School Value Focus: 

  • Kahikatea Kirkwood has 5 school values: Whanaungatanga, Rangatiratanga, Tohungatanga, Manaakitanga and Kaitiakitanga. This term, instead of focusing on just one value, we would like to celebrate the variety of these values displayed throughout our school days.

  • This term we have the following sports available to you: Swimming (whole school event + CAIMS), Triathlon, Rugby League, Hockey, Orienteering, Cricket, Touch, and Futsal. In order to make these happen, we need awesome students who want to participate and we will need some parent helpers! Listen out for more information about the above sports. 
  • Hockey Goalie: Do you have any students in Year 7 or 8 who play in the goalie position for Hockey? If so, let your classroom teacher know or come and find Miss Brenssell (Room 10) or Mr Botting (Room 12). 
  • Water Polo: We need to put a team in for water polo this week, so we need to know who may be keen to play. Games are on a Monday night between 6:45 and about 9:30pm. There are approximately 6 games per term, with a cost of approximately $60 per term for each player. The pool is 2m deep so you must be a confident swimmer and comfortable playing an aggressive sport. A sign up sheet will be up on the steps outside the library at morning tea and lunch today. If you are not sure if you are keen on Water Polo or want some early season training, there are three have a go sessions this month (Feb 10, 12, 14) run by Water Polo Canterbury. Info and registration at https://www.canterburywaterpolo.org.nz/year-7-8s/have-a-go-sessions. Any questions, come and see Mrs Robertson.
  • Triathlon: There will be a meeting on Wednesday at morning tea in Room 10. If you are interested in finding out more about triathlons come along and ask on tomorrow.
  • Sports Shed: This is run out of Room 1 at morning tea and lunch. Please give your name and class number to the students waiting in Room 1. All gear should be returned at the end of the break. If you have an issue with any missing gear – please go and let the monitors know. 

  • Year 8 students if you wish to apply to be a School Librarian please come to the library at 1pm to have a chat with Mrs Dobbs and collect an application form. Thanks.
  • Library may open at interval and lunch week 3 depending on School librarian positions being determined. 
  • Become a Language Ambassador!  
  • Do you speak more than one language at home? Are you passionate about helping others? We’re looking for students to apply for Language Ambassador roles to help our school community! We are looking for someone who can:
  • Fluently read, write, and speak in one or more languages
  • Be patient, helpful, and enthusiastic                                                
  • Work well with both students and teachers
  • If this does sound like you, come to the office to grab an application form in the Language Ambassador Application Box near the house containers for Tohu, fill it out and hand it back into the box! More info can be found on the form 🙂 
  • Application closes on Friday 21 Feb.

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